4 Possible Reasons Behind Water From A Heating Unit Being Excessively Hot

It can be frustrating when the water from your faucets is extremely hot. The hot water can cause serious scald burns and indicate that the unit is overheating due to a component malfunction. If you notice that the water from your taps is excessively hot, you should contact a plumber to address the problem before damage occurs. Below are the reasons your water heating unit is overheating.

The Thermostat Of The Unit Is Defective

The thermostat monitors the on and off operations of the water heater. If you lower the thermostat setting but your hot water does not turn off shortly after, your thermostat could be malfunctioning. Furthermore, if the thermostat breaks down, its safety feature is not activated and it can fail to shut down the heating elements. To keep your thermostat in top condition, engage a certified plumber to replace it and level it with the storage tank.

Sediment Has Accumulated In The Unit

If your home uses hard water, it dissolves minerals in your plumbing system. Since the water purification process does not filter out all minerals, they can cluster at the bottom or on the tank's walls after heating. This causes sediment deposits on the heating element, which hinder it from effectively heating the water. When the heater strains, it becomes hard to control temperatures which makes the water overheat. A plumber must empty your water tank to flush out the mineral accumulation for effective heating.

Pressure Relief Valve Of Your Heating Unit Is Blocked 

A pressure relief valve is a mechanism that releases steam if the temperature or pressure in the water tank exceeds a specified level. If the valve dislodges into a closed position, the pressure within the tank is sustained, causing the water to be exceedingly hot. When you hear the sound of boiling water in your tank, contact a plumber to replace or unblock your pressure relief valve to prevent hot water damage to the walls of your tank.

Faulty Heating Element

Heaters are fitted with one or two heating elements. If one grinds out, it will constantly stay on, resulting in the water being excessively hot. If left unchecked, the heater element can burn out, rendering the water heater inoperable. Therefore, you should hire a plumber to change the heater element to maintain your unit's efficiency.

Ignoring when your water heater produces hot water can lead to broken-down components and higher electric bills. You must hire an expert plumber to fix your heater to prevent overheating and increase its energy efficiency for optimal usage. 

To learn more about this topic, contact a local plumber. 

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