Reasons Your Furnace Is Short-Cycling

When winter is close, your furnace needs to be in top condition to provide heat efficiently. However, it can be disgruntling when your heater cycles on and off yet doesn't attain the desired temperature. This may result in the system's hard starting, making the components wear down faster. To prevent premature system failure, it is vital that you engage a heating technician. They will assess your unit and repair any underlying faults for peak functionality.

Below are four possible causes for your furnace's short cycling. 

Clogged Air Filter

An air filter removes airborne particulates from the system to facilitate clean air circulation. However, the filter may clog with contaminants over time, impeding airflow to your furnace. Consequently, your system will strain to provide even an average heating output. This may lead to the unit overheating, triggering the limit switch. As a result, your system will turn off and only power back on once it cools. Therefore, you need to hire a heating expert to clean your filters regularly for proper airflow for combustion.

Thermostat Issues

If the thermostat experiences an electrical malfunction, your heater will cycle intermittently. This is because the sensor inaccurately detects temperatures, sending erroneous signals to your furnace. As a result, the unit short-cycles, causing inconsistent temperatures throughout your house. In addition, if there's an erroneous setting on the thermostat, your system will cycle on because it attains the set temperature overly fast. Thus, engaging a furnace specialist to install a new thermostat and fix the temperature differential is essential.

Defective Flame Sensor

Combustion generates moisture that can infiltrate the sensor, causing it to rust. This may result in the sensor being unable to detect a flame, closing the gas valve. Consequently, the sensor rod will instantly put the flame off once it's lit, causing the heater to short cycle. Therefore, you are advised to contact a furnace repair specialist to install a new flame rod for effective heat detection.

Clogged Flue

If critters or foreign objects infiltrate the flue pipe, they restrict the system from expelling toxic gases. As a result, the gases back up, causing the unit to overheat. This may lead to the unit cycling intermittently, preventing it from providing optimum conditions. Since a clogged flue will likely leak flue gases out of the unit into your home, you should engage a heating professional promptly. They will clear blockages from the vent pipe and ensure the proper release of toxic fumes from the unit.

Short cycling decreases energy efficiency, spiking electric bills. Schedule regular appointments with a heating contractor to service your unit when needed.

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